Sunday, August 19, 2012

Like entering the fourth dimension, from the back

Tropical storm Helene’s been swirling out in Veracruz (meaning true cross), the same Mexican state where Hurricane Ernesto made his second landfall. He hit Coatzacoalcos, an indigenous name meaning ‘where the snake hides’. These storms are aiming for an area where the planets are going to align on December 21st 2012. Interestingly, while Ernesto was acting up, I heard a radio interview on Red Ice radio with Drunvalo Melchizedek, the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human body's light body, called the Mer-Ka-Ba. He has been researching Mayan prophecy directly with the Mayan council of elders and their leader, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez. The interview with Drunvalo was all the more interesting as he is pictured with a snake biting itself, and ‘where the snake hides’ was Ernesto’s destination. Here’s a key excerpt from the interview:

Drunvalo Melchizedek: You look at the procession of the equinoxes, which is basically a wobble in the earth’s axis. Science thinks it takes 25,771 years for that to go around once, the Mayans say no it’s 25,625 years; they’re off by about a 142 years… and it's that cycle that is what everything is about ….right now - what the whole earth is leading into. The whole paradigm about that is huge! It’s been talked about since the Vedas 6000 years ago and instilled deeply in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. It is behind everything they’re saying, it’s the focus, because according to them, this cycle is divided in half, so it’s about 12,000 something years each way, and we’ve just come around the last half… and on December 21st 2012 at 11:11 pm, in Chichen-Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, the sun, the earth and the center of the galaxy line up in a straight line. That just might seem like it’s an eclipse or something, but from their point of view and from the Mayan point of view and that of the tribes that work with them, it’s WAY much more than that! For one thing, for the last 12,000 something years this cycle has been male and male dominated, and starting on December 22, 2012, the cycle switches to female, and females will basically begin to control the world, just as the males have for the last 12,000 years. They’ll take over everything… they’ll take over the governments, they’ll take over the religions… they’ll take over everything. This is what the Mayans are saying anyway, because it’s just what happens when this happens, and then 12,000 years from now they’ll get all convoluted and kinda crazy like the males are now and the males will take over again… and coming down the dark side they will protect us as we go through there again… so this cycle’s been going on forever.

Red Ice radio interviewer: That feels like a pretty long cycle. If we can put it in context, half of the game, the other team holds the ball so to speak, and the other cycle, the other team… this seems to be pretty evenly distributed.

Drunvalo: It is perfectly evenly distributed and what happens as eventually the males come down to the last 2000 years, they’ve been getting more and more weirded out and at this point all we’re doing is having wars all over the world and going crazy. And that’s what happens every time according to the Mayans. They’ve got it written in their predictions from a long, long time ago that this is what’s going to happen right now – and that’s exactly what’s happening. The world has looked at their prophecy and only seen the part that they’ve talked about towards the male side, which is from there, they see what always happens: all the male institutions and everything they’ve created dissolves away. So from their point of view, the governments and everything dissolves away and a whole new way of perceiving reality appears which is purely female. This is what takes over, and this is what keeps the balance as we evolve over time.

So... as I see it, there’s your pussy riot, in case you don’t quite know what that means. The Mayan prophecy is not about the end of the world, although some guys might still decide to interpret it that way. In light of chemtrail madness perpetrated by men who believe they have God-like powers, the Mayan prophecy doesn’t seem all that crazy. Check out the latest full length movie on Chemtrails, ‘Why in the World are they Spraying?’ The power to create and control severe weather conditions serves disaster capitalists with the means to consolidate monetary and political power. Un_fucking_believable... but_right_dead on. It’s like reality is a dream; a Buddhist concept that's making more sense than ever.

And what about all the hurricane name synchronicities? Where does that fit in with these new clues? In the August 5th post about Ernesto (Her Nest Oh), I wrote about the stones from my coffee table coming from Devil’s Hole, and that pinged… on August 7th, cyclone Gilma formed in the East Pacific. Gill is a crevice and Ma… well you do the math. Is this another hypothesis for the source, and sanctuary of the angel? Soon after Gilma, there was cyclone Kirogi. Qui rogue? Hi! A taunt to a comment from ‘Her Nest Oh’ on how the only research on chemtrails is ‘rogue’ scientific inquiry… I’m thinking of getting a Rogue emblem from a Nissan for the back of my jeep.

Then there was this gem: major typhoon Kai-tak. When I saw it I had just relayed the whole angel story to some good friends… Kate talk. Could it also be a free Pussy riot, and a green light to blab about this blog?

I dunno, there’s a lot of work involved and the possible reaction is a big mystery, but I’m sensitive to more signs. Right now I’m missing some of the 'Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails 2012' conference to write this, but with Helen (elle haine – she hate) wooshing around Veracruz, and Dr. Masters predicting the next one, Isaac (eye sac) is heading straight for my island, I get the idea, I’ve been complacent and I’ll write ‘til it’s done.

Ok, trying to keep up… the other one left is Gordon. Hurricane Gordon is on its way to Europe. I looked up Gordon, it's a Scottish name, here's what I found: "This placename is derived from the Welsh language elements gor, meaning "spacious"; and din, meaning "fort". After ‘Her Nest Oh’, that would make sense. Of course we're working on the upstairs 'Garden' too!

The first time I remember Gordon was in 1994, at that time I was still with Don. Although he was a great man on so many levels, he did have a propensity for mood swings (probably a genetic link with a history of slavery, or his contemporary drug habit) and he would sometimes get mad at me for arbitrary reasons, although his emotions were only served with words. Anyway, in 1994 Gordon killed 1200 Haitians, and at the time 'gore Don', a protective instinct, seemed logical from my angel's point of view. And then there’s Bill’s gory story, something about jealousy… Does this look like writing dirty?

When you have an angel, things are complicated enough. Now we’re happily married to the same man since 16 years.

...So now it’s 6:30 am the next morning and I’m up putting finishing touches on this… I just noticed tropical storm Tembien popped up just this morning. T’aime Bien in French is ‘love you’, I feel happy I’m writing!

Before I get back to watching the fascinating Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference, I want to point out a weird thing mentioned by Bill’s guest, Peter Byck, director of the movie Carbon Nation. He talked about a meeting of minds with an airline pilot who didn’t believe in global warming, yet still excelled at conserving fuel.

Pilot? Fuel? Why bring up the key elements of chemtrails, and not talk about the elephant in question? Byke contends that a new way of grazing cattle and organic farming can turn on the fragile soil and enhance carbon sequestration, to make a real difference against climate change. I can see his heart is in the right place and he may think the best way to get publicized is to take the soft approach, but if it’s now proven science that chemtrails are saturating the soil with massive doses of aluminum, strontium and barium, new grazing habits will have a limited impact. Why doesn’t he just address the issue? It’s already out there.

Anyway, I agree with Bill’s other guest, Chelsea Handler. We're taking the back way into the fourth dimension and men are gonna get it soon enough.