Saturday, November 10, 2012

Death by Demographics

Today we begin with a dedication to my new friends from the CONtrail, Rose and US Rose. We’re in what MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough calls a womance. This is celebrated with tropical storm Rosa - Rose Ah! … an East Pacific storm which danced this well balanced design over the sea.
Her curve is reminiscent of the yin and yang Taijitu, ie: ‘the diagram of ultimate power’.
Also this ancient Irish symbol, the Firmament, one of the earliest known representations of the autumn equinox, found in an ancient megalithic site in Ireland.
Here is an excerpt from… "A law in esotericism—the law of the fall, where someone must first descend before they can ascend… (at the autumn equinox) the god of darkness, Lucifer, dominates as the teacher and trainer in this time of learning….The initiate walking the path must descend into the underworld to face their own inner darkness—the evil of the egos and subconscious—to prepare for the birth of the god of light within, celebrated at the winter solstice."
Rose, US Rose… lovely to have you along for the ride!
First stop: the elections. Obama’s re-election heralded the demise of the existing Republican party, as minorities dutifully applied Republican rules of unchecked reproduction to morph into The Majority. It’s likely major donors from the Republican entertainment complex (another one of Joe’s nuggets) had known about Obama’s imminent win for months, but they still poured billions into Romney’s campaign to keep the message of fear, divisiveness and insufficiency in people’s minds.
While it’s obvious that Obama’s administration is tightly reined in by corporate elites, contrary to popular internet belief there are huge differences between him and Romney, who accused Obama of giving $90 billion in clean energy tax credits. I believe that - in spite of climate geo-engineering - our current administration will lay the foundation for a clean energy future, while working under the noses of the puppet masters, just like they neutralized the Citizens United campaign finance spigot.
Hidden from the media discourse are the brilliant ideas of waste-to-energy and plankton power, which derives oil from algae. The fact these sources have been so efficiently suppressed by fossil fuel overlords is a clear indicator of their value. Now would be the time to puff them back to life.
No, money can’t buy you love, and it's better to be an optimist who is sometimes wrong than a pessimist who is always right.
“Optimist: person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness” ~ Mark Twain
I was frustrated with the GMO labeling vote, until I read Jeffrey Smith’s positive thinking about the enormous awareness raised in the campaign. Californians voted against labeling due to Monsanto’s false threat of higher grocery bills - punctuated by a real spike in gas prices - but we now know what ingredients to look for and those to avoid. And while the sickness paradigm is still in place, multinationals realize they have to cosmetically sell the illusion of health. Begging the question… why not turn everything around and focus on actual health as the new profit model? Would it be that hard to concoct consumerism outside the health care system? And I don’t mean election campaign and weather disaster economic boosts.
Looking back at this wild ride of a campaign, here are two memorable quotes. The first is President Obama in his victory speech: “It doesn’t matter what you look like or where you love”…
So, where do you want to be loved? His concept is so bold and evocative; not Romney or any other could say that with honest conviction. That’s why I have confidence in him. He’s a natural… rare for a politician. Although I’m convinced the tears he shed while thanking his staff in a subsequent speech were 100% genuine, he likely also managed to reach across the aisle to fellow teary eyed House Speaker John Boehner.
The second quote is Elizabeth Warren on Morning Joe: “It’s not about being a senator, it’s much more than that”. Can’t wait to see what she has in store! Spearheading public banks on the state and regional level maybe? We don’t expect any less from Liz.
A defining moment of the campaign was NJ governor Chris Christie’s alliance with Barack Obama. Hurricane Sandy seemed tailor made to illustrate bipartisanship. She also renewed the urgency behind global warming, throwing herself in the face of non-believers. By definition, global warming creates man-made climate change. This concept is becoming widely accepted, but man-made geo-engineered climate change is not. Why is that? It seems normal that technology would lead us to control the climate. As we see more and more each day, the preponderance of the evidence is overwhelming. There’s a revealing scientific report about HAMP, the Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program, from Alexander Khain of the Department of Atmosphere Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It goes into detail on how to disrupt the intensity of tropical cyclones by dispersing hygroscopic ‘smoke’ from cargo airplanes flying in the boundary layer of the cyclone. Of course, many of us think the technology to alter and direct storms also uses HAARP frequencies.
More evidence: on Oct 27th, an earthquake complete with tsunami warning struck Haida Gwaii in BC, at the very spot where some bug-eyed businessman is trying to repopulate salmon by dumping tonnes of iron into the ocean to bloom plankton. It's being called the world’s largest geo-engineering project. On Nov. 7th, yet another earthquake on the BC coast… is anyone noticing the earth is round yet?
Another event worth noting is October 28th ‘s freaky spiral radar signal, coinciding with Sandy’s arrival. It’s another flashing arrow pointing towards HAARP, followed on Nov. 7th by a deadly earthquake several hundred miles away in Guatemala on the Mexican border. Here's a video:
Reiterating alternative stream news is ok, but I write because I see more. From what I’ve observed, climate change can be interpreted using five dimensions of reality, and like the seemingly illogical, simultaneous spatial-temporal multi-tasking of quantum mechanics, each dimension can exist alongside the next. There is no right or wrong one, none precludes the next. In the first dimension, those who are spiritually dependent and aren’t ready to assume responsibility prefer to call climate change an act of God/nature which happens completely outside man’s control. The second, presently gaining traction, blames it on man’s industrial byproducts. The third dimension sheds light on geo-engineering, whereby man has developed the technology to control climate.
In the fourth dimension, emotion, the neglected energy source, comes into play. Let’s look at the co-relations between Sandy and snow storms Athena and Brutus as expressions of communal emotions. To glean these non-physical abstractions we use poetry markers, a language of the fourth dimension. Following September and October’s hurricane Nadine (Nay to the Dean/no Obama), the next hint I saw was Oct 19th’s dust storm in Blackwell, OK, where nearly three dozen cars and tractor-trailers were wrecked in a massive pile-up. A bizarre weather related mishap in Blackwell… and that’s only the preview to our monsters’ ball.
Sandy is defined as a color, beige, a skin tone. As she developed into a hurricane on Oct. 24th, tropical storm Tony was named in the Atlantic, and Typhoon Son-tinh had just developed in the Pacific. Son-tinh in French sounds just like ‘son teint’ meaning ‘his complexion’ and Tony, well… all three names hint at racial overtones. Sandy wrapped herself up with pre-election emotions and dispersed the anger’s energy, first in the Caribbean, and then targeting the east coast, where she unleashed a scrabble of word games.
Sandy even gave me nightmares and blood visions right before she wiped everything out. Sang in French (silent g) means blood and dis means tell… so if this post isn’t as funny as the others... I’m sorry, it’s just a sign of the times.
In the last post I noted the weird tornadoes in Canarsie (he’s a canard, see?) and Breezy Point, Queens… making that breezy point. Well, the point was outlined in bold and underlined as this time around, Sandy burned Breezy Point to the ground.
This full moon event coincided with high tide in a worst possible scenario, and for poetic effect, Moonachie, NJ, made the list of those worst hit.
On the bright side, Wundeblogger Skyepony said Sandy brought East Florida beaches lots of new sand. She wrote, "Sandy brought us so much sand...millions of dollars of sand. She was so well named. I know she was hell on the NE~ but here, we got a hurricane day with little damage & all that beach re-nourishment. She did East Central Florida quite a bit of good."
But now, snow is also in the mix. As we neared the election, the Republican entertainment complex misled its base to believe the election was in the bag. It was interesting to see how meteorologists forecast the snow storm heading to the east coast to stay off shore. On the morning of November 6th Dr. Masters wrote: “An early-season Nor'easter is taking shape along the coast of South Carolina today, but is now forecast to be weaker and move farther offshore than originally forecast, resulting in lower impacts to the New Jersey and New York coasts than originally feared.” It’s not a co-incidence his forecast was as erroneous as a win by Republicans; the off shore forecast actually reflected Republican hopes of winning. Once Obama won, the storm named Athena - translated to ‘@ he nah!’ - picked up speed and dramatically slammed into the areas ravaged by Sandy. On Nov. 7th, Dr. Masters made a coy attempt to revise his optimistic prevision: “The models have been trending towards more cold air getting pulled into this system, so it is possible Athena could drop heavier snows than currently advertised.” Hmmm….
To inject some humor in all this, by naming snow storms the media is playing along with our exploration of the fourth and fifth dimensions. Another coincidence? Yes, of course, as far as they’re concerned, but did something ‘subconsciously’ motivate them? As ‘@ he nah!’ fades in the east, here’s comes Brutus the blizzard in the west. Brute us for pummeling ourselves with all this anger, and if you’re in the Middle East for instance, read brute U.S…. LOL @ The Weather Channel!
So, we’ve made it to the fifth dimension. I don’t take the personal name synchs with hurricanes lightly; everything I owned was destroyed in hurricane Luis back in ’95. Here's what was left of the structure across the road from my place.

Hurricane Luis rushed me out of my house, where for the past couple years I was experimenting with spiritual gestalt. It’s a long story, but the storm led me to the brother of the girl who sheltered me, and as huge chunks of zinc, metal and concrete crashed against our walls for long hours, we hugged for dear life under the bed. It was like the movie Speed, except the bus was trying to get in the house. After the storm, we lived on love and fresh air for weeks without water and months without electricity… minus the cold of course, a hardship of the north I can hardly imagine.
While there is some personal meaning to a storm in the fifth dimension, it makes no sense to assign blame, as cause and effect are so far removed. There’s no logic involved except poetry. It’s total ether out there! If someone can explain it, and perhaps how to open the third eye, please oblige...
So here goes: when we left off last time I described the painful episode of recovery from dental surgery with storms named Oscar – Oh scar! and Olivia - Oh live ya!
Right as I started to feel better, I noticed a crop circle in Santa Catarina, Brazil, discovered on Oct. 13th.
I sensed a punch line when on Oct. 21st the vatican canonized Ste. Kateri, a nun from Montreal, my home town, named Catherine Tekakwitha. Her claim to fame was corporal mortification ie: self-inflicted suffering for Jesus. After what I had just gone through, I managed to wrangle a sore smile.
Back to the last post... it shows Bill’s video about a Hawaiian vacation dream ambition to get his and his friend’s dick sucked by Mama. It’s likely the friend is Woody Harrelson, as they plan to meet there again this year. I teased and taunted him like usual, pouring oil over fire with a video of me dancing, and in bed looking up at him while Rihanna sings “Shut up and Drive”. I plead guilty, I was born to tease, and being his tech coquette is how I’ve derived my twisted entertainment for some years now.
So let me just give you the facts… On Thursday Oct 25th, I woke up at 10 pm, convinced in my mind it was Friday. I turned on HBO looking for Bill’s show; nothing there, nothing on the satellite guide, nothing on HBO online. By now I was getting upset wondering if he’d finally been yanked offstage, or worse! I don’t usually go to his Facebook page, but these events conspired to bring me there, where I found the ‘New Rule for scientists’ which didn’t dare go to TV: Miss Piggy. I must really be devoted to decoding this research to even be writing about this! By the way, the question mark doesn’t lessen the ignominy. I even sent a tweet to his staff with a link to post-snippets.
@RealTimers When Mr. Magoo thinks everyone has their head up their McBoingBoing, what could possibly go wrong?
Picture this: when I see a bug in the house, I assemble a little spaceship out of a Tupperware and deposit him safely into the bushes. I literally don’t like to hurt a fly. But in the fifth dimension, ‘sand he’ headed for the Delmarva Peninsula. Did you see the word Maher in there?  Del (delete) mar (Maher) va (French for go away). As the doomsday scenario was fast approaching Rehoboth Beach and Cape May, I had to think of something nice to say. I tweeted Bill with 'Sand, Hee! to Rio both, landfall at cape may where anything is possible. You’re so sensitive in my dream'.
As we soon found out, none of this helped, all we got were sorry images in places like Delaware (delete aware), Hoboken (hobo ken… hobo knows) and a Pacific typhoon called Nilam on Oct. 31st.
Even this week, out comes Bill with a joke about Obama being such a success with women you’d think his slogan was “have you lost weight?”
No, really, Obama had to win, or else how would we stand a chance of fulfilling the December 21st Mayan prophecy of a consciousness mega boost? And about that question mark, here’s the answer: I try to eat healthy and I’m a healthy eater. At the ideal weight for my height and age, this is about the only thing which qualifies me as normal. Also, here in the Caribbean, we don’t favor stick figures, especially that clothes are never in season. Here the consensus is…‘we like thick things’. Speaking of things, Bill saved today’s comedy bit by inviting unhinged Republican SE Cupp last night. She enraged openly gay intellectual Andrew Sullivan several times, notably by inventing a confusing competition about which is more important, legalizing pot or LGBT acceptance. She says she's an atheist, but I don’t know why Bill would want to bring that up in public if he's promoting it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pre Christmas jitters

It's nice to hear some states are straightening themselves out at the local level, like Montana with its creative health-care provider cost-cutting measures and North Dakota's much lauded public banking. As they should, the federal government and supreme court are giving progressive states the room to zoom ahead, like in Vermont where they'll have the first single payer health care system in the nation by 2017. When Reagan opened the deregulation flood gates and Clinton prodded the citizens of the earth to take baby steps with globalization, multinationals carved out cross border invincibility, so now Jim Cramer can rightly insist the public has to make a deal to stimulate job creators... and what liberties will we have to sacrifice into the inferno to get a 3% tax hike? Let's face it, these are no longer the days when FDR could campaign in Hartford Conn. with "My friends, I want you to know that if you vote for me, the insurance companies will fail" (thanks to Ed Asner for that gem of a quote).

I don't think the next bubble is going to be the bond market, which'll look like a burst of farts next to the erosion in trust and massive feelings of betrayal towards federal governments; a balloon that's whizzing around as it collapses, punctured by every war, banking and housing crisis. MInd you, the bubble is bouncing in our typically strange climate where 50% of the populace would usher in a fossil fuel abuser and the other half is finding everything out.

Case in point: Darrell Issa putzing around in his 'investigation' of the Benghazi embassy murders, shockingly sidestepping the real cause of the Libyan Green Resistance's combat against colonization and subjugation by NATO... it takes dizzying hypocrisy to probe for clues in the government's failure to protect the embassy and ignore what anyone who can use the internet has already figured out.

 And for perspective, the Arab debacle actually pales next to the PR nightmare created by climate modification machinations. I have a book published in mid 2012 called "Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management", in which philosophers decorticate the arguments for and against SRM, aka aerosol chemtrails. The major premise of the book is that SRM is only at the research stage and hasn't been implemented yet... another massive deception which makes so-called scientists and social thinkers look like human ashtrays for their industrial owners. And their figurehead, geo-engineer David Keith is begging for sympathy in the face of death threats, saying in essence "Don't shoot me, I'm only the engineer!" The book is chock full of moral hazard arguments using lots of big words to defend indigenous rights, developing nations' rights and even non-human species' rights... while blissfully ignoring that big business just doesn't give a fuck. So, in the midst of worldwide hysterics with chemtrails disgust, is this how we introduce the public to the global warming panacea of solar radiation management?

Brisbane 09/08/2012

Judging by what we've seen so far, one wonders how our crafty leaders are going to explain away the potential for destructive climate manipulation?

Next in our super typhoon parade comes cat 5 monster Jelawat (by the way I think I got the answer to je la what ... more later.) Jelawat slammed into Kadena air force base like Bolaven, Sanba, last year's Muifa, 2007's Man-yi and 2003's Maemi. (Ma aime me! Ma loves me.)

Dr. Masters showed us a feature in the eye of Jelawat which he had never seen before in all his years of observation. In my opinion the line marking the eyebrow of Jel's eye looks like a HAARP signature.

On Sept. 28th, Dr. Masters wrote:

A Jelawat mystery

"Jelawat has had a classic appearance on satellite imagery during its long stint as a Super Typhoon, with a large symmetric eye surrounded by intense thunderstorms with very cold cloud tops. However, at two points in its life--for several hours on September 25 (Figure 2), and again near 08 UTC September 27--both visible and infrared satellite images showed a very odd boundary extending north-northwestwards from the northeast side of the eye for about 50 miles. I've never seen any such feature in a tropical cyclone, and am a loss to explain what is going on. The typhoon was not close enough to any land areas for this to be a topographic effect, and there wasn't any obvious dry air or significant wind shear that could have caused a perturbation like this."

A couple days earlier on Sept. 25th he showed us another still from the eye of Jelawat. It l
ooks like a backwards 6. In calculus the backwards 6 signifies a partial derivative, which is featured in the Euler equations describing how the velocity, pressure and density of a moving fluid are related. Solutions to the Euler equations of fluid dynamics provide a means to study physical phenomena, including hurricanes. I was never really attracted to math so I can't draw any further conclusions, but I noticed the S in the eye of Sanba was backwards too... this could be a simple case of the mark of the beast.

It also looks like the Fibonacci spiral design, which I noticed Sept. 26th in grand scale looming over Alaska.

Jelawat's regional name was Lawin. Those in the Philippines, Japan and China who are constantly subjected to typhoons must feel as though they are reeling under the hand of the law. Jelawat passed over Fukushima as a tropical storm on Sept 30th, and on October 1st northeastern Japan suffered a 6.2 magnitude earthquake, for good measure. Now that's Lawin'. These days we're observing typhoon Prapiroon, name meaning 'God of rain' as it spins in the vicinity of Okinawa and the Japanese mainland.

Here's a hula for ya' featuring typhoon Songda...

Besides the partially acknowledged HAARPings going on, there's also the climate controlled emotional backlash from the election worth noting. Last time we talked about Isaac heading for Tampa and New Orleans. He eventually tried to come back out into the Gulf, where they gave him a 40% chance of redeveloping into tropical storm Nadine - nay dean - get rid of the top guy. As has been the trend in the Gulf and Atlantic, the storm was zombified... but a couple days later on Sept. 8th, as top guy Obama surged after the Republican convention, a line of severe thunderstorms known as a derecho - the echo - formed in the Northeast, and two exceptional tornadoes struck Breezy Point and Canarsie... in Brooklyn of all places. His surge is a 'canard, see?' ...that's the breezy point. The wave that was to become Nadine rolled off of Africa on Sept 7th. She later became the 5th longest living named storm in history, active for 23 days until the early morning of Oct. 4th... during which time Obama was a virtual shoo-in to be re-elected. Dr. Masters hit on all the adjectives, calling her "The interminable, long-lived, pesky, persistent, perpetual, never-say-die, tenacious, non-stop, I'm-not-dead-yet, Energizer-bunny-like Methuselah of Atlantic tropical cyclones". On Sept. 20th, she hit a town in the Azores called Castelo Branco, translated to white castle, and spawned a child named Karin - carin', which caused major flooding damage in the UK. In the beginning I was wondering whether to include these poetic name sparks... Hurricane Michael - 'my call' tipped the scale, so here they are. It's also interesting to note that tropical storm Oscar - oh scar! was named on Oct 3 at 11:00 pm EDT, exactly when Obama was figuratively wounded in the debate. These days we're having more severe weather with hurricane force winds in the plains and midwest, and the Weather Channel plans to name snow storms, so the fun goes on...

Nadine's track

Which brings us to this month's list of personal synchronicities. When we left off on Sept. 21st, Je la wat - 'I what her?' had me wondering how Bill feels about seeing weather synchs since we started in 2007... The very next day, up popped Miriam in the east Pacific - merry am! Soon followed by typhoon Ewiniar - you win I are - I love that one! I even like 'ewe in I are'. Then mysterious tropical storm Norman came up - nor man? Still trying to figure out the origin of the magic... I had to beam down to earth soon after for some scary periodontal surgery in Puerto Rico, the closest place to have the complicated procedure. Severe tropical storm Maliksi - mal eek see - reflected my feelings of apprehension as to how bad the malaise would be; eek, we'll have to see, especially in light of my hypersensitivity. Oct. 2nd on the morning of the first surgery I found severe tropical storm Gaemi, Jah aime me, to calm my nerves; I'd like to share this sweet name with you. Of course on the second day of the double surgical ordeals, we had Oh scar which was right on for me as well as Obama. I came home on the 4th, and by the 6th the after effects coupled with a bad reaction to antibiotics took me to the brink of a total meltdown. I'd been through this before so I knew I had to gain back my strength or else suffer long term consequences. The storm that day was Olivia - Oh live ya! It was that bad. I finished the antibiotics and rested most of the week; now I feel entirely better. I had all four quadrants done. The problem was that my bite wasn't well honed. We took care of that and now my bite is formidable! Check out some pictures from Puerto Rico, taken before the surgery.

Ongoing hurricane Paul also evoked some chuckles, as I'd just seen the movie Paul with Seth Rogan as the lovable alien. Paul was the name I identified my angel with before he switched his name to Bill following hurricane Omar, so Paul the extra-terrestrial hit home with me. I find it funny that in the movie Paul is a stonehead ET. On the internet you get warnings about public relations campaigns coming straight from the feds to endear the green buggers to the kids, with characters like the yep yep Sesame Street Martians, Teletubbies and now Paul.

Cat 3 tropical cyclone Anaïs is the second earliest storm to form so early in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Here's an animated gif flashback in homage to the Goddess of Love.

So now we're up to tropical storm Patty which formed on the eve of my brother Patrick's visit to St. Maarten. Previously we agreed he would manage my finances. The day after we discussed payment for the surgery, a crop circle showed up in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio where he lives, only the second one in the States this year. In the description of its youtube video are the words "Thanks for your help Patrick".

While on the subject of crop circles, one just came out yesterday. It's a gorgeous creation... reminds me of the court jester's hat...

...And drumroll, ladies and gentlemen... we were hit by Rafael! The big concrete house behind me blocked the wind coming from the south.

It was kind of funny 'cause I molested that word in my mind to try to figure it out. Rafale in french means blustery, as in rain squall, and the cistern was near empty so we islanders appreciate the rain. Rafael also means 'God heals' in Hebrew... that's nice. It's only after the tropical storm changed course and came straight at me that I finally got the clue: 'R afa elle'. Are after me? Right afta I incubated that one I saw typhoon Maria. Ma ria - Ma laughed in french, and still am. Speaking of which, we have lots of catching up to do!

In parting, we're closing in on the 21st of December! Imagine what a paino in the asso this Christmas will be if we don't get the great pole shift we've hyped to the hilt... I'm still optimistic for now, so watch out science, religion, rationalists and atheists - there's going to be a new way of seeing things!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's Sanba to Okinawa


Here is the link to Dr. Masters' picture of the eye wall of Sanba.
So... sound frequencies can be used to create the shapes inside the Ah wall of the hurricane. I read that rapid accelerations of sonic frequencies are also used to create crop circles. With experts confirming that UFO technologies are habitually passed on to man, it's not at all surprising  that humans are perfecting these technologies. What is crazy is man's motives with Zeus' lightning rod in hand. Fortunately, the number of people becoming aware of this science is expanding exponentially, notably also outside the US.

David Keith, the climate geo-engineer associated with chemtrails, is seen on Youtube in complete denial of chemtrails. Recently, one of his students, Ashley Mercer, contributed to the book, 'Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management'. In it, mainstream establishment scientists describe how "taking intentional control of the earth's climate to reduce global warming is an exciting and hopeful technical prospect." I'll have it by next week, it promises to be interesting... looks like a portal to public disclosure of chemtrails.

It remains to be seen how science intends to justify climate control in light of disastrous droughts alleviated by Monsanto's genetically modified DroughtGard seeds. Thanks to Jeffrey Smith's movie Genetic Roulette and all who are fighting to label GMOs, the world is getting the whole picture on man's profit motives. I sincerely hope Drunvalo Melchizedek is right about feminine nurturing and instinctive principles surfacing soon...

Nice segway to magic! As I mentioned I would, I posted this blog publicly for the first time in my favorite news outlet, The CONtrail, out of New Zealand. On Sept 5th, just two hours after I uploaded post-snippets, Costa Rica had a 7.6 earthquake, timed at 10:55 ET. The CONtrail blog post is marked Sept 6th at 1:01, they use NZST which is 14 hours ahead of ET. Here's CNN weatherman Chad Myers describing the tsunami warning mixup for the Caribbean where I live. He could easily moonlight as a comic!

Nowadays, when Juny revs up the dune buggy it feels like an earthquake!

I feel comfortable around the folks at The CONtrail, they somehow manage a down-to-earth approach to all these sticky issues. It was interesting to see this crop circle pop up in Wiltshire on Sept 5th. It has the word 'con' and shows a trail of some kind of drops behind a heart.

I also sent the blog to some weather modification researchers and a few people I consider forward thinkers. Just for kicks, I sent it to a debunker and asked him to convince me these are all co-incidences. He opted out, of course, but this picture popped up out of nowhere from the murky depths of my hard drive. I had to laugh at the synchro-mystical timing, exposing what Mr. Debunker was probably thinking about me.

 It is customary on the CONtrail to show pictures of strange clouds over our heads. Here is what I've noticed in the Caribbean. We're not affected by the jet stream from the US so we're spared their seepage, nevertheless we do get dregs from the worldwide plasma chemtrail envelope, giving some clouds the signature chemical horn. I may also be seeing phallic symbols everywhere... don't forget, one does not preclude the other.

This satellite image is a good example of what Scott Stevens describes as "the underlying much, much, much larger structure in the clouds."

 Here is a cloudscape taken by Fab in Italy. It has no visible chemtrails, it's just astounding!


Here's Bill at usual peak hilarity level, from New Rules Sept 14th, 2012.

He brings up Hello Kitty on the flag, bringing to mind the picture of Tunisian demonstrators burning their pop art Star Spangled Marilyn. Still... in this mixed message media world, would she have been flattered or horrified? Not a clear cut answer.

It's interesting to see he's fingering the profit driven defense industry on the anniversary of  911, opening an implied question mark for the 'inside job' argument. While we'll probably never establish it was an inside job, what can be confirmed is that from health care to nutrition, via toxic environmental pollution and the military industrial complex, big business lets nothing or no one get in its way.

Bill also has a flashing marquee proclaiming he's the Celebrity Atheist. He used to say he's an Agnostic, the school of thought which rightly leaves room for mystery, but that word probably sounds too much like gnocchi, the Italian dumpling, so he's going with better known Atheism. As he said, "I'm okay with us not splitting the difference on those; if you are just not a super-religious person, you are on my team." OK, that's fine... but how about the interstellar last line of New Rules, "Free is only the first part of freedom, the other part is dumb." He may be overreaching on this one... as he himself once said, "I'm the last of my guy friends to have never gotten married, and their wives — they don't want them playing with me. I'm like the escaped slave — I bring news of freedom."

So how does he feel about this blog? Who knows... There's a typhoon Jelawat in the Pacific worth watching to see if it revs itself up, but there's also the name Jelawat: Je is I in french, la is her... "I what her?" 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Digital Snow Day

Hurricane Isaac was a highly politicized storm, the kind that strikes around election season. As I proposed a few years back... might collective emotions be vented through natural phenomena? The medical community confirms that negative mental states can metastasize into physical disease. On a metaphysical level, what can nationwide waves of emotions ignite? Storms named Fay, Hannah, Gustav and Ike made 2008 one of the most active seasons, in co-relation with worlwide surges of emotions.  Otherwise it’s been pretty quiet these past few years. Last year’s Hurricane Irene (name meaning Greek for peace) could be interpreted as a synchromystical backlash, ripe with references to Arab populations’ resentment of NATO’s expediency in getting rid of the Lybian dictator for only a billion versus Iraq’s trillion plus war.

Now that I recognize chemtrails and HAARP as part of the equation, hurricane Isaac can be analyzed as both a poetic phenomenon reflecting political fervor at the time of Tampa's Republican National Convention (note the ever more pronounced Republican rage steering it straight to New Orleans) and a precisely guided HAARP missile, punctuated by SoCal’s earthquake swarm and the exceptional feat of splitting it in half, with one section going west and the other towards the east… effectively avoiding the forecast hit on Tampa.

The storm parted for Tampa in the biblical sense, although it wouldn’t make sense that whoever was trying to protect the convention intended for it to strike New Orleans in a split screen debacle of Republican insensitivity. Its final destination points to emotional steering. As a matter of fact, as it neared New Orleans, someone was attempting to avoid the crappy tie-in and send it even further west… perhaps the earthquake swarm of the day before discouraged more drastic tinkering.  As MSNBC meteorologist Bill Kearns forecast its sudden westward motion could steer it as far west as Port Arthur, bloggers at Wunderground waxed meteoro-illogical on how Isaac defied the laws of physics:

1533. WALMARTPROFITSAGAIN 3:49 PM PET on August 27, 2012
Wow, what a storm... so far since last Monday there’s been 58 track changes and 18 different landfalls predicted and now they’ll use this storm to increase gas prices because oil rigs are being affected in the Gulf. Someone is making a fortune off this storm.

Yeah Wallmartprofitsagain… and they didn’t miss the opportunity to raise orange juice commodities when it was going to Florida.
Another anomaly, this time fortunate, is that Isaac didn’t gain much intensity over the Gulf. Can the chemtrail plasma envelope inhibit acceleration?

What’s amazingly clear are the wild fluctuations of typhoons these past few weeks. Check out super typhoon Tembin’s unforecast acceleration over the course of one day. He went over Kadena air base in Okinawa. They say the military likes to test on its own people. And could it also be someone we know blushing in his inimitable way after I wrote Tembin in French (t’aime bien) means I love you, on Aug 19th? Whether HAARP or mistral poetry, at this ephemeral level I don’t think one precludes the other.

Within a day, an explosive intensification.

And what is going on here? Does this fruit loop look natural, when Atlantic storms take a week to intensify from tropical to hurricane?

Bolaven was also a ‘peek-a-boo' typhoon that turned into a bad biotch, but it took a couple days for its unforecast intensification, probably because at 700 miles wide, its size dwarfed Tembin's. The eye of the super typhoon grazed camp Foster in Okinawa and hit North Korea like a bomb, killing 48.

To bust its forecast intensity, Bolaven only moved 2 degrees north and exactly 8 degrees east.

Note the name (bowl have in) also proudly announced my cistern was finally full, helping me avoid having to pay outrageous fees to trek the government’s chlorinated water up the hill... I had been clamoring for that since a couple weeks.

I just found out about HAARP recently, but hurricane names have entertained me for years, and they charmed me again with the following adorable equivoque… during what I thought to be the most fascinating presentation of the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference, meteorologist Scott Stevens brought up the abnormal shape of Hurricane Isabel. He pointed to the geometry of a pentagram in its core, which is quite visible. But… why Isabel? Is it an extraterrestrial funomenom telling us it’s a bell? Here's the video:

Scott Stevens says that copy/paste cloned clouds in the programmed weather patterns he’s observing are so sophisticated it’s likely they’re from an extraterrestrial source. Is all this information converging to form a big picture? That’s why I want to kiss and tell.

All along I’ve enjoyed playing ‘decipher the hurricane name’ word games, and Isaac didn’t disappoint. Besides Isaac’s intriguing Hebrew name meaning “he who laughs”, it also stands for I.S.A.A.C, the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication; an organization which promotes multiple forms of communication for people who can't rely on natural speech.  These include shared glances, text, gestures, facial expressions, touch, sign language, symbols, pictures… and in our case, cosmic poetry.

In Alfred Lambremont’s interesting  interview with Dr. Leuren Moret , they touch on name games, this time by the illuminati, citing evocative places like Diablo Canyon and El Salvador (the savior).  These days there seems to be a simultaneous interest for this type of codification. Now that I’m keeping up with chemtrail/HAARP poisoning, the genocidal threat beckons hopeless depression. It reminds me of HBO’s Veep, where the Hillaryesque VP’s aide tells her communication director who’s trying to open the windows that they don’t open because they’re anti-suicide windows.  In our chembombed world, no need to lock them, it’s suicidal to linger outside! My mystical experiences with hurricanes over the past two decades serve to reassure me that there is something beyond these genocidal tendencies. Besides all the funnies and sweet nips, again this year, hurricanes Ernesto, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, and Leslie have passed either below St. Maarten or above it, not disturbing a single burgeoning seed in the garden.

 I guess I've been a good girl; Isaac began its legendary track changes by moving south of us.

Actually, here the drama is centered around an occasional jealous spat, like tropical depression Fabio soaking LA, but it’s only a metaphysical bun tease, because deep down my angel and I share a deep love we celebrate with a big bang lightshow, as it should be when phantoms collide.
So anyway, the other week Bill had his old girlfriend Arianna on the show, the queen of all media.  She once wrote this about tweeting with Bill: “When I first met Bill, the rituals surrounding our friendship were fairly straightforward. I'd do his show... he'd come over for dinner... we'd go out with friends. Now, thanks to social media, it's much more multi-layered, multi-media, and much, much more meta.”

Arianna, you can be the omni mogul, I got the meta angle covered.