Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's Sanba to Okinawa


Here is the link to Dr. Masters' picture of the eye wall of Sanba.
So... sound frequencies can be used to create the shapes inside the Ah wall of the hurricane. I read that rapid accelerations of sonic frequencies are also used to create crop circles. With experts confirming that UFO technologies are habitually passed on to man, it's not at all surprising  that humans are perfecting these technologies. What is crazy is man's motives with Zeus' lightning rod in hand. Fortunately, the number of people becoming aware of this science is expanding exponentially, notably also outside the US.

David Keith, the climate geo-engineer associated with chemtrails, is seen on Youtube in complete denial of chemtrails. Recently, one of his students, Ashley Mercer, contributed to the book, 'Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management'. In it, mainstream establishment scientists describe how "taking intentional control of the earth's climate to reduce global warming is an exciting and hopeful technical prospect." I'll have it by next week, it promises to be interesting... looks like a portal to public disclosure of chemtrails.

It remains to be seen how science intends to justify climate control in light of disastrous droughts alleviated by Monsanto's genetically modified DroughtGard seeds. Thanks to Jeffrey Smith's movie Genetic Roulette and all who are fighting to label GMOs, the world is getting the whole picture on man's profit motives. I sincerely hope Drunvalo Melchizedek is right about feminine nurturing and instinctive principles surfacing soon...

Nice segway to magic! As I mentioned I would, I posted this blog publicly for the first time in my favorite news outlet, The CONtrail, out of New Zealand. On Sept 5th, just two hours after I uploaded post-snippets, Costa Rica had a 7.6 earthquake, timed at 10:55 ET. The CONtrail blog post is marked Sept 6th at 1:01, they use NZST which is 14 hours ahead of ET. Here's CNN weatherman Chad Myers describing the tsunami warning mixup for the Caribbean where I live. He could easily moonlight as a comic!

Nowadays, when Juny revs up the dune buggy it feels like an earthquake!

I feel comfortable around the folks at The CONtrail, they somehow manage a down-to-earth approach to all these sticky issues. It was interesting to see this crop circle pop up in Wiltshire on Sept 5th. It has the word 'con' and shows a trail of some kind of drops behind a heart.

I also sent the blog to some weather modification researchers and a few people I consider forward thinkers. Just for kicks, I sent it to a debunker and asked him to convince me these are all co-incidences. He opted out, of course, but this picture popped up out of nowhere from the murky depths of my hard drive. I had to laugh at the synchro-mystical timing, exposing what Mr. Debunker was probably thinking about me.

 It is customary on the CONtrail to show pictures of strange clouds over our heads. Here is what I've noticed in the Caribbean. We're not affected by the jet stream from the US so we're spared their seepage, nevertheless we do get dregs from the worldwide plasma chemtrail envelope, giving some clouds the signature chemical horn. I may also be seeing phallic symbols everywhere... don't forget, one does not preclude the other.

This satellite image is a good example of what Scott Stevens describes as "the underlying much, much, much larger structure in the clouds."

 Here is a cloudscape taken by Fab in Italy. It has no visible chemtrails, it's just astounding!


Here's Bill at usual peak hilarity level, from New Rules Sept 14th, 2012.

He brings up Hello Kitty on the flag, bringing to mind the picture of Tunisian demonstrators burning their pop art Star Spangled Marilyn. Still... in this mixed message media world, would she have been flattered or horrified? Not a clear cut answer.

It's interesting to see he's fingering the profit driven defense industry on the anniversary of  911, opening an implied question mark for the 'inside job' argument. While we'll probably never establish it was an inside job, what can be confirmed is that from health care to nutrition, via toxic environmental pollution and the military industrial complex, big business lets nothing or no one get in its way.

Bill also has a flashing marquee proclaiming he's the Celebrity Atheist. He used to say he's an Agnostic, the school of thought which rightly leaves room for mystery, but that word probably sounds too much like gnocchi, the Italian dumpling, so he's going with better known Atheism. As he said, "I'm okay with us not splitting the difference on those; if you are just not a super-religious person, you are on my team." OK, that's fine... but how about the interstellar last line of New Rules, "Free is only the first part of freedom, the other part is dumb." He may be overreaching on this one... as he himself once said, "I'm the last of my guy friends to have never gotten married, and their wives — they don't want them playing with me. I'm like the escaped slave — I bring news of freedom."

So how does he feel about this blog? Who knows... There's a typhoon Jelawat in the Pacific worth watching to see if it revs itself up, but there's also the name Jelawat: Je is I in french, la is her... "I what her?"