Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An A hole

Excerpt from Bill Maher's New Rules Friday August 14, 2009:

New Rule: A-hole in One Shouldn't Be Obama's Game

...And he said that, unlike before he became president, he prays all the time now and that his Faith and Neighbor Initiatives Director sends him scripture on his Blackberry to start every day. Jesus, is there something about that house that turns people into assholes?

I kid the Commander in Chief, he's very far from an asshole, he's a cool dude, and I want to keep him that way!...

Lovetoamuse post on Bill's Myspace page August 15, 2009:

Today we’re analyzing two tropical storms: An-a, and some space further, Bill. They could well be inspired hurricanes by next week as they follow a projected track to the Dutch Leeward Islands where I live. Now I don’t think you are an a-hole, on the contrary, I think you’re a very cool dude. I also agree that Obama’s best role is to lead by example, and everyone should play a part to reduce global warming. Ok… I give my cats Minou and Gooch-Pooch bottled water from Martinique’s Mont Beni and I’m way too reckless with the Charmin… but on the plus side I don’t eat meat and I close electronics at the source while sleeping, to reduce EMF’s.
Along with so many others, I orbit around your sunshine as a source of gorgeous energy. With you there’s never a dull moment, and here we go again!
Is that energy conscious enough?

Truly yours in the nether lands,
