Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'll raise you one planet

Lovetoamuse post on Bill's page April 21st, 2009

They say drugs are dangerous because they’re addictive. They don’t like to expound; actually the argument is too lame to discuss. Addiction runs the economy. Besides the obvious alcohol and tobacco there’s guns, food, medicine, gambling, financial finagling, twittering, useless junk from China... Fear of profound psychological change is what keeps psychotropic substances illegal.

Cannabis is a catalyst, opening minds by freeing those *millions of mirth microbes*. When it’s legalized, we can’t expect kids to sit through existing ‘straight’ curriculums. It’s all got to evolve, making room for dreaming, right up there with engineering. Space is the wrong direction to explore new frontiers. Legalizing weed will help point the arrow inward, where technology has a lot of catching up to do.

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That comment about girls dressing like whores nowadays, was that a trap? Like Obama bowing to the Arab king: calculated, inadvertent or instinctive? It’s easy satisfaction to send girls mixed messages, like Walgreens promoting wellness. Sexuality, like knowledge, needs to be released. There are saint bitches, and worlds beyond. With your permission, let’s go back to DC a year or so ago…

For more background info, visit  lovetoamuse girl talk