Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Wind Farm in Front of my House... Teinte a Maher!

Not long after Bill's latest breakup with his scientist girlfriend, here is his Tweet... the title of this New Rule is interesting:

Bill Maher
#NewRule “Miss Me Kate”: (Via: @HBO #RealTime)
6 May 2011 via WhoSay


I am perched in the clouds overlooking the islands and beaches of La Reserve Naturelle de St. Martin because I felt the view in a protected zone could never be spoiled. How can it be possible that a study was approved to place a wind farm (#@*!!) on the island of Tintamarre, in a full frontal assault? A tint of off-colored humor? 'Teinte a' means 'tint of' in French.

May 14th on Facebook by Cat Brown

Will You Bet On It

I miss your show of strength on the sea, a jagged asymmetry in perfect equilibrium, aloof piece of rock... the mere thought of your obscuration lays bare how precious you are.

June 3rd update

As curiously as they emerged, the plans for a wind farm on Tintamarre have been abandoned...